
Physiotherapists play a very important role in the rehabilitation of patients who have sustained fractures. They are usually referred for therapy after a period of immobilisation – usually 6 to 12 weeks.

Physiotherapy helps accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and swelling and improve range of motion to get the patients back to their normal physical self. Physiotherapy is most often incorporated into a patient’s healing routine after sufficient healing has taken place and the bone is properly aligned. It is purported to strengthen the bone and the muscle tissue surrounding the bone in order to assist the patient regain full range of motion and independent mobility and function.

Physiotherapy uses a variety of modalities and exercises to help in its rehabilitation. The modalities used but not limited to are, Ultrasound, TENS, Hydrotherapy, Paraffin wax bath or Electrical stimulation.

Exercises will help to develop the muscles and improve strength and mobility in and around the affected area. Different exercises such as active, passive, resisted, concentric/eccentric etc are used in combination with modalities to improve range of motion, strength, flexibility in the affected joint and muscle – with the goal to achieve complete functional independence.

Cervical spondylosis often develops as a result of changes in your neck joints as you age. Your spinal disks can become dry and begin shrinking around the time you turn 40, reducing the cushioning between the bones in your neck.

Your disks might also develop cracks as you get older. This causes them to bulge or become herniated. You might also develop bone spurs, or extra bony growths. Herniated disks and bone spurs can put extra pressure on your spinal cord and nerve roots, causing joint pain. The ligaments in your spine, which are strands of tissue that connect your bones, might also become stiffer as you age. This makes it more difficult or painful for you to move your neck.

Cervical spondylosis can develop due to factors other than aging. These include:

  • Neck injuries.
  • Work-related activities that put extra strain on your neck from heavy lifting.
  • Holding your neck in an uncomfortable position for prolonged periods of time, or repeating the same neck movements throughout the day (repetitive stress).
  • Genetic factors (family history of cervical spondylosis).
  • Smoking.
  • Being overweight and inactive.


Patients will complain of pain along the arm and in the fingers. The pain might increase on standing sitting, sneezing, coughing, or backward tilting of the neck. Another common symptom is muscle weakness. Muscle weakness makes it hard to lift thearms or hold objects firmly. Other common signs include

  • A stiff neck that becomes worse.
  • Headaches that mostly occur in the back of the head.
  • Tingling or numbness that mainly affects shoulders and arms.


Treatments for cervical spondylosis focus on providing pain relief, lowering the risk of permanent damage, and helping you lead a normal life.

Physical therapy helps you stretch your neck and shoulder muscles and makes them stronger, which helps relieve pain. You might also have neck traction, which involves using weights to increase the space between the cervical joints and relieve the pressure on the cervical discs and nerve roots.

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many common causes of this problem. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause. If you have shoulder pain, some common causes.

  • Rotator Cuff Tear.
  • Frozen Shoulder.
  • Shoulder Instability.
  • Shoulder Dislocation.
  • Arthritis.
  • Biceps Tendon Rupture.

When do you need to call your doctor about your shoulder pain?

If you are unsure of the cause of your shoulder pain, or if you do not know the specific treatment recommendations for your condition, you should seek medical attention. Treatment of these conditions must be directed at the specific cause of your problem. Some signs that you should be seen by a doctor include:

  • Inability to carry objects or use the arm.
  • Injury that causes deformity of the joint.
  • Shoulder pain that occurs at night or while resting.
  • Shoulder pain that persists beyond a few days.
  • Inability to carry objects or use the arm.
  • Swelling or significant bruising around the joint or arm.
  • Signs of an infection, including fever, redness, warmth.
  • Any other unusual symptoms.

What are the best treatments for shoulder pain?

The treatment of shoulder pain depends entirely on the cause of the problem. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you understand the cause of your symptoms before embarking on a treatment program. If you are unsure of your diagnosis, or the severity of your condition, you should seek medical advice before beginning any treatment.

  • Rest: The first treatment for many common conditions that cause shoulder pain is to rest the joint, and allow the acute inflammation to subside. It is important, however, to use caution when resting the joint, because prolonged immobilization can cause a frozen shoulder.
  • Ice and Heat Application: Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments for shoulder pain.
  • Stretching: Stretching the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help with some causes of shoulder pain.Physical therapy is an important aspect of treatment of almost all orthopedic conditions. Physical therapists use different modalities to increase strength, regain mobility, and help return patients to their pre-injury level of activity.
  • Some specific exercises may help you strengthen the muscles around the joint and relieve some of the pain associated with many conditions.

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is painful inflammation of the elbow joint caused by repetitive stress (overuse). The pain is typically felt on the outside (lateral) part of the upper arm just above the elbow when you straighten or fully extend your arm.


  • Elbow pain that is mild at first and gradually worsens.
  • Pain extending from the outside of the elbow down to the forearm and wrist.
  • A weak grasp.
  • Increased pain when shaking hands or squeezing an object.
  • Pain when lifting something, using tools, opening jars, or using a toothbrush or other utensil.


  • Rest: The first step in your recovery is to rest your arm for several weeks. A brace can help to immobilize the affected muscles.
  • Ice: Ice packs placed over the elbow can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Physical therapy: uses of various techniques to strengthen the muscles of your forearm and promote healing. These may include exercises, ice massage, and muscle-stimulating techniques. A newer form of treatment gaining attention is ultrasound therapy. This therapy involves placing an ultrasound probe over the point of greatest muscle tenderness for a prescribed period.

It is defined as a degenerative, non-inflammatory joint disease characterized by destruction of articular cartilage and formation of new bone at the joint surfaces and margins. Thought osteoarthritis can occur in all the joints due to ageing, it is more commonly seen in weight bearing joints like knee, hip, ankle and spine. Finger joints are also frequently affected. Among all the joints in the body, osteoarthritis affects the knee joints most and it could be primary or secondary.

What Causes Osteoarthritis

  • Age more than 40 years.
  • Female.
  • Hereditary condition.
  • Previous joint injuries.
  • Obesity.
  • Disease of the joint.
  • Poor posture.
  • Occupational stress and strain.

What are the Typical Symptom of Osteoarthritis

  • Pain.
  • Early morning stiffness.
  • Restricted range of joint movement.
  • Swelling of the joint.
  • Tenderness and crepitus is present.
  • Genu varum deformity is seen in advanced cases.

Who is Prone to get Osteoarthritis

  • Middle age patient.
  • Women have a greater tendency than men.
  • Rarely seen in younger people.

How to Make a Disanosis

  • Physical examination.
  • Symptomatology.
  • Radiography.
  • Blood test.
  • CTscan and MRI.


Conservative methods

  • This forms the mainstay of management in osteoarthritis of the knee. About 50 percent of patient respond to conservative treatment which consist of the following measures.
  • Reduction of weight.
  • Isometric quadriceps exercises.
  • Walking exercises.
  • Heat therapy etc.

Neurological Physiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that specialises in the treatment and management of people who have a neurological condition resulting from damage to their brain, spinal cord or nerves.

This service can be provided in a number of settings, including rehabilitation wards, in the community setting (in peoples homes) and in an outpatient setting

What condition can we Help?

  • Nerve injuries.
  • Cerebral Palsy.
  • Bells Palsy.
  • Paralysis.
  • Other Neurological conditions.

What does an Assessment involve?

Depending upon the symptoms you present with, your assessment will involve the following:

  • Posture and balance.
  • Muscle power and imbalance.
  • Muscle tightness.
  • Joint stiffness.
  • Altered sensation.
  • Co-ordination.
  • Activities of daily living.

What will happen after the Assessment?

Following your assessment in relation to your condition and how these impact on your quality of life.

Treatment plans and appropriate goals will then be agreed with you

What will Treatment include?

Depending on your individual needs, treatment may include:

  • Advice, education and promotion of self-management.
  • Hands-on Neurological Physiotherapy treatment, e.g. soft tissue stretches/ joint mobilizations and facilitation of normal movement patterns.
  • Balance work.
  • Exercise therapy.
  • Sensory retraining.
  • Pain management.
  • Practising activities of daily living.

Cardiorespiratory physiotherapists assist patients with cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

These difficulties may be as a result of long standing disease, e.g. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), surgery or a condition requiring a stay in intensive care.

Each patient will receive a thorough holistic assessment and be given an individualised treatment programme. The aims of treatment are to:

  • Facilitate airways clearance (removal of excessive secretions).
  • Reduce work of breathing.
  • Promote self management through advice and education.
  • Optimise mobility and functional independence.

The cardiorespiratory physiotherapist provides services including:

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation which promotes health and well being through advice, education and exercise for people with long term breathing problems.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation.
  • Disordered breathing syndrome (hyperventilation syndrome).
  • Airway clearance techniques including postural drainage.

Sports Physical Therapy is a specialized practice that focuses on prevention, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement of the physically-active individual.


The practice of sports physical therapy includes those interventions that assist the athletically-active individual in preventing injuries and then, if an injury occurs, continuing their pursuits with minimal disruptions. Areas of this practice include pre-participation screening, equipment recommendations, and cardiovascular fitness programs designed to assist in a safe and unremarkable return to activity.


Sports physical therapists are highly skilled in evaluation of active and chronic injuries. A hallmark of this practice is the assessment of surgical and non-surgical neuromusculoskeletal injuries. Included in this is the functional assessment of the individual post-injury to assist in a safe return to activity.

Treatment & Rehabilitation

Treatment and rehabilitation of neuromusculoskeletal injuries is at the center of sports physical therapy practice. In a team approach with physicians, the sports physical therapist designs and implements programs for the management of these disorders in clients of all ages and physical abilities, including those with physical disabilities as well as elite athletes.

Performance Enhancement

Sports physical therapists assist athletically-active individuals to improve their performance in a variety of ways. The foundation of performance enhancement is provided by a thorough evaluation of the neuromusculoskeletal and the cardiovascular-pulmonary systems. The results of this evaluation are compiled to outline strengths and weaknesses in an individual's physical profile. This profile can then be matched to the individual's specific athletic activity. Areas of deficiency in flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and in the aerobic/anaerobic systems can be outlined in a specific training regime. Follow-up evaluations can determine further training program changes.


Treatment and rehabilitation are constantly changing in response to our interpretation of the basic and clinical sciences. The sports physical therapist is a part of a team that is researching and implementing research findings to assist the athletically active individual in his or her pursuits.


Education of athletes and their parents and coaches about the various preventative and management techniques previously discussed is a service that sports physical therapists provide. Sports physical therapists are also involved in educating physical therapists, other allied health professionals and physicians in these important areas.

The elderly have diseases and disorders in greater numbers than any other age group. Their care is difficult, but rewarding..

The types of problems faced in geriatric physiotherapy are grouped into three different categories.

  • One category is the problems that happen because the patient simply does not use their limbs or does not exercise. These problems can be addressed by reconditioning through range-of-motion exercises and other exercises.
  • Another category geriatric rehabilitation deals with is cardiovascular disease, like heart disease and stroke. The physiotherapy professional has an array of tools at her disposal to work with these conditions. Exercise, electrical stimulation, and more can be used.
  • The third category is skeletal problems. Geriatric rehabilitation helps people who have these disorders, such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. These problems require special attention as osteoporosis makes patients frailer, and osteoarthritis is very painful.

Geriatric Physiotherapy focuses on the concerns the physical disabilities of the senior citizens. The process of ageing is often complicated by several physical conditions and disorders like arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, hip and joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinence and so on. The programme helps those affected by such problems and many others which may be directly or indirectly related to old age. We have developed a specialized programme to help restore mobility, reduce pain, and increase fitness levels of the patients who, like all of us, deserve a dignified and independent.

Our aim is not at returning patients to their earlier states of health. The most important goals are to be able to function at their best abilities. Doing everyday tasks and live an independent life.

At the same time, Physiotherapy can have a profound effect on a person's ability to enjoy physical activities. The program can focus on physical training to get an older adult in shape to play sports. This strengthens them in many ways. The fact that it allows them to play and will make them even healthier, both physically and psychologically. Since depression is a growing problem among the elderly, any help they can get in this area is needed.

Another role of Physiotherapy is to help with rehabilitation after knee or hip replacement surgeries. People who have these operations are likely to walk differently. It affects their abilities to do daily chores, and their quality of life. Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center programme, unlike other fields of physiotherapy, does not aim at making patients perform better than they used to before. For elderly patients, the main focus is on allowing them to perform basic functions and daily activities without having to rely on others' assistance. It allows them to live an independent life.

Prenatal exercise

Pregnancy is a time where the female body experiences many physical and emotional changes. Participating in a gentle exercise regime may maximize the ability of your body to adapt to these changes.

In this you will be provided with valuable information on:

  • Physical and physiological changes expected during pregnancy.
  • How to get relief from common pregnancy related discomfort such as shortness of breath, rib pain, swelling, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, cramps, constipation.
  • Posture and proper body mechanics to help prevent the onset of pregnancy related back and pelvic pain.
  • Guidelines for practicing safe cardiovascular exercises.

You will be going through a variety of functional core exercises that will help you to:

  • Strengthen and maintain the correct flexibility of the pelvic floor, abdominal and back muscles.
  • Prevent onset of urinary incontinence, diastasis recti, sacroiliac, symphysis pubis, mid and low back pain.

By attending these sessions you will dramatically improve your posture during pregnancy, help prevent onset of pregnancy related aches and pains and facilitate labour.

Post natal exercise

During the postnatal period, it is important to properly rehabilitate your body from the many physical stresses experienced during pregnancy, labour and delivery. You are probably keen to return to your pre pregnancy exercise regime to lose the baby fat and restore your figure, but the order in which you do this is very important, in order to prevent strains on your pelvic floor, abdominals and back.

This sessions are offered on a one-on-one basis to ensure the exercise regime is meeting your specific individual needs and that you have proper form as muscle function is restored. A good time to start the exercises sessions is between 6 to 8 weeks after delivery.

During theses sessions you will be provided with valuable information on:

  • How to eliminate bad postural habits caused by pregnancy related weight gain and hormonal changes.
  • Body mechanics when caring for your newborn child.
  • Proper progression of exercises to get you back to your pre-pregnancy sportive activities.

You will be going through a variety of functional core exercises that will help you to:

  • Restore the strength of the pelvis, abdomen and back muscles weakened by the pregnancy.
  • Restore the flexibility of the back, chest, hip muscles shortened during pregnancy.
  • Help you regain your pre-pregnancy size, weight and physical activity level.

By attending these sessions, you will ensure that your core is strengthened in a healthy way, as recommended in the literature, to help prevent and correct urinary incontinence, neck, back and pelvic pain.

Paediatric Physiotherapy is the rehabilitation of babies and children aged 0-18 years. We treat children with neurological and developmental problems as well as those with musculoskeletal problems.

The specialist neuro physiotherapist treats children with neurological conditions to improve their physical abilities including mobility, strength, posture and balance.

Children who have developmental problems can also be treated to help them reach their developmental milestones.

As with all our physiotherapy, treatment is based on exercise and hands on treatment but above all we make it fun. A variety of treatment approaches are used to formulate an individualised programme for the child.

Conditions treated include:

  • Facilitate airways clearance (removal of excessive secretions).
  • Reduce work of breathing.
  • Promote self management through advice and education.
  • Optimise mobility and functional independence.

The cardiorespiratory physiotherapist provides services including:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • Cerebral Palsy.
  • Stroke.
  • Muscular Dystrophy.
  • Developmental Delay.